2024 National Litestar & Pulse Rally

September 2024

Marion, Indiana

Labor Day Weekend

26th. Annual

Royce Ann Martin and Cindy Acker
invite you to the 2024 National Rally

Meet the people you talk to on Facebook

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2024 Annual Litestar/Pulse Owners Group Rally


I hope everyone is staying cool and dry during these rather scorching days!! Atlanta has hit 100 degrees many days and I know the Northwest has gone over that. My power bill was like the national debt!!

For those that have already registered, a BIG thank you!! It makes it much easier for us to deal with the caterers and figure food when we have numbers in advance. If you haven’t registered, please do it while it is fresh on your mind. I am attaching a registration form to this email along with our tentative schedule of events. Remember to add the $20 late fee if you are registering now.

It is only a little over 6 weeks before we converge on Marion. Your coordinators have been diligently working to make this the best Rally ever. Royce Ann and Phil have been preparing the book and you won’t believe how beautiful it is. They have done an outstanding job, as usual. There are many interesting articles along with lots and lots of pictures.

Remember, time is running out and we want YOU at the Rally. If you haven’t registered, please do it NOW !!

Hope to see you there!! Let me know if you have any questions.

Join Us for a Weekend of Fun and Autocycle Camaraderie! Own or interested in owning a Litestar/Pulse Autocycle? Want to meet other Litestar/Pulse Autocycle enthusiasts? Then consider joining us for our 3-day Annual Litestar/Pulse Owners Group Rally held Labor Day weekend Aug 30 to Sept 2, 2024.

This event is held in conjunction with the Saturday Fly/In Cruise/In at the Marion, Indiana Municipal Airport. The festivities kick off on Friday with our meet and greet at the Comfort Suites hospitality room. There we will enjoy a potluck dinner with a large array of food and homemade delights while swapping Pulse adventures and misadventures. Saturday morning we drive to the Fly/In Cruise/In & enjoy the All-You-Can-Eat Pancake/Sausage Breakfast fundraiser at the Marion Airport.

Saturday night is the catered Awards Dinner in Gas City, with door prizes and story telling time. Sunday morning we head out on the forty mile drive to Anderson, stopping on the way in Fairmont, Indiana to see a VW Beetle and several bicycles gracing the branches of an old dead tree. When we arrive in downtown Anderson, we will tour the Madison County History Museum. The press and some local residents will also be joining us there to get a close up look at our Pulses. Lunch will be at the Oakley Brothers Distillery after a brief tour of their facility. Back at the hotel, we will enjoy a barbecue dinner, followed by Bingo and afterward we will again enjoy some paranormal investigations led by Leo Doyle.

Hotel Reservation Rooms in the hotel sell out quickly, so it is important that you make your reservation ASAP. Call 765-651-1006 and ask for Judy Cox so that you receive our incredible discounted rate of $95 (before taxes)

Registration Form for Rally...Click Here

If you plan to attend, it is imperative that we get your registration ASAP.

If you have questions, please contact Royce Ann Martin (419-340-1421) or Cindy Acker (678-502-8883). Eager to see you all at the 2024 rally!

Royce Ann Martin and Cindy Acker, Coordinators Litestar/Pulse Owners Group

Rally Schedual of Events

FRIDAY Aug 30 Arrival: Sign in, meet your hosts & other attendees, & pick up registration bags...... Comfort Suites after 4:00

Pitch-in dinner 5:00 - 7:30pm

Depart: Pre-tour of Marion Municipal Airport & park autocycles in advance of Saturday Fly/IN Cruise/IN

Comfort Suites Hospitality Room............After dinner until ???

Relax with friends & share stories.............Snacks and drinks provided

SATURDAY Aug 31 Fly/In Cruise/In starts:....... 7:00 am

Breakfast: (All-You-Can-Eat Sausage/Pancakes).......7:00 am - noon

Lunch: at Johnson Hangar (Donation)............ Noon-1:30 pm

Depart: for Ashley’s Ice Cream 402 Washington...........1:30 pm

Treat: Ashley’s Ice Cream Cafe Marion.............1:45 - 2:30 pm

Return to Comfort Suites................2:45 pm

Reception & Appetizers: 407 E. Main (Gas City).............6:00 - 6:30 pm

Awards Dinner: Thompson-Ray House, Gas City...............6:30 - 9:15+/-

Depart: for Comfort Suites 1345 N. Baldwin..........9:15+ pm

Cocktails/Snacks: Hotel Hospitality Room.............9:30 pm until ???

SUNDAY Sept 1 Gather in Parking Lot: Comfort Suites...................8:30 am

Depart: to Fairmount, IN (tree w/VW Beetle)...........9:00 - 9:20 am

Depart: to 15 West 11th St, Anderson, IN..............9:30 - 10:00 am

Tour: The Museum of Madison County.................10:15 - 11:30 am

Depart: to 34 West 8th St, Anderson, IN............Noon- 12:15 pm

Tour: Oakley Brothers Distillery...............12:30 - 1:00 pm

Lunch: Oakley Brothers Distillery.................1:00 - 2:00 pm

Depart: for Comfort Suites, 1345 N. Baldwin...............2:15 - 3:15 pm

Non-Denom Worship Services Hosp Room..............5:30 - 6:15 pm

Friendship Dinner: Hospitality Room..................6:15 pm - 7:15 pm

Bingo: Hospitality Room.............................7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Paranormal Investigations: Outside Hotel...............9:30 pm - 10:30 pm

MONDAY Sept 2 Morning farewells at Comfort Suites..................8:00 - 10:00 am

Safe travels until we meet again next year..............2025

Contact Information:

Royce Ann Martin


Cindy Acker

Please bring your Autocycle (Any condition).

Push, Pull or Drag it to Marion, IN.

Previous Conventions