Above, Steve Shafer's Pulse #74 - 'SeaQuest'...... DSV - 2002
Auto Week or Motor Week...........PBS TV program Oct. 26, 2003.
Short segment of an Atlanta, GA private car collection includiong a red Pulse.
'The Fire Next Time'.......... A white Pulse is featured.
'Primal Screem'............1994?
'Hologram Man 2'.............1995
'Lawnmower Man 2.........1995
'Demolition Man'........ video ?
Kenny Haughton delivers the movie car with his red pickup
carrying a white Pulse, possibly #298, and pulling a trailer with a red Pulse #297
The sign says 'Back to Future II' which was released in Nov. 1989.
Above Lisa Butcher Marier, Jenny Butcher Hetfield, Sue Butcher and in back of Pulse is Kenny Haughton.
Ed & Sue Butcher at Opening Night at Owosso, Michigan
In 1990, Jane Colrin Pulse #344? and Gregory Keller (Pulse #345) ran their Pulses in a movie for a scene shot in San Francisco.
'Free Guy'...............A movie that was released in 2021.
Possible a guy gets run over by a yellow Pulse.
Pulse #91 was used and at the time was owned
by Roger Nolle of Bostpon, MA, where parts of the movie were shot.
See the Pulse on these Youtube Videos